A Trip Through Ontario's Highlands
February of 2017 saw the lowest amount of recorded snowfall for the area in recent history. So what, right? As Ontario residents, we have become accustomed to the flexible meaning of shoulder season — that period between mid-October to December and what was normally early April to late May. The unpredictability of these periods, as they expand and shrink randomly from year to year, posed an interesting challenge for me.
Credit: Ontario Higlands Tourism Association - Winter fatbiking in the Ontario Highlands.
I was asked by the Ontario Highlands Tourism Association (OHTA) at the beginning of February 2018, if I would shoot winter imagery stock photos for general digital media use. Yes — this past February — the month following in which it didn't snow. In addition, they wanted me to trial a new format of photo shoot. If you visit their website www.comewander.ca you will see that a large part of their brand is built on authenticity — that buzzword which makes marketers feel all good about themselves. But OHTA is serious about promoting the region as it really is, and it's one of the reasons I love living in this area.
Most locals make no bones about the fact that modern eco-friendly tourism is generally an afterthought. Traditional industries are in decline. The widely accepted forms of recreation involve 4-stroke engines: ATVing, snowmobiling and big, big bass boats.
So how do you capture a tourism experience authentically in this area that extends from Highway 7 to Algonquin Park and east to the Ottawa River? And how do you capture winter in this area at the beginning of May when it hasn't snowed in over a month? In many places the brown hew far exceeded most patches of white. It was a challenge to say the least. Well my girlfriend, our two friends and their dog Pepper piled into a my little hatchback with cross country skis, snowshoes and fat bikes. Below you will find a one-image per location snap shot of our journey. Hopefully it looks like winter to you.
*Remember: if and when you travel here, make sure you tag #comewander in order to be featured*
Spectacle Lake Lodge
Credit: Ontario Higlands Tourism Association - Ice skating and ice fishing make for a unique experience in Ontario's Highlands
Madawaska Coffee
Credit: Ontario Higlands Tourism Association - Buy some swag and the highly recommended Maple Latte at Madawaska Coffee
Old School Café
Credit: Ontario Highlands Tourism Association - Don't let the outside fool you, this place packs a wonderful gluten/dairy free, homemade culinary punch.
Crooked Slide Park
Credit: Ontario Highlands Tourism Association - Crooked Slide Park is a roadside gem and is a favorite spot for lunch and local newly-married couples.
Opeongo Nordic Ski Club
Credit: Ontario Highlands Tourism Association - Fat bike, cross country ski or snowshoe for over 10 kilometers in and among the Opeongo Hills.
Wilno Tavern
Credit: Ontario Highlands Tourism Association - Make reservations on Tuesday and Fridays for amazing polish cuisine and music that brings people from all over the Ottawa Valley.
Wilno Hills
Credit: Ontario Highlands Tourism Association - St. Mary's Church outside of Wilno, Ontario provides amazing views of the surrounding landscape.
Credit: Ontario Highlands Tourism Association - These local falls provide a nice opportunity to stop, stretch and grab a Beaver Tail in the home of the Beaver Tail.
Forest Lea – Pembroke Nordic Ski Club
Credit: Ontario Highlands Tourism Association - Forest Lea has some of the best cross country skiing and single track biking for the summer time in the Ontario Highlands.
Credit: Ontario Highlands Tourism Association - Known for its murals, there is debate as to the racial sensitivity depicted on many of them in Pembroke, Ontario.
Whitewater Brewery
Credit: Ontario Highlands Tourism Association - Their brews have become well recognized in Ontario and don''t think that their food doesn't match — located just off of Highway 17, it is more than worth a stop for lunch.
Calabogie Peaks
Credit: Ontario Highlands Tourism Association - Spring skiing at its finest can be found at Calabogie Peaks where they manage the snow-base carefully for maximum fun.
Neat Café - Burns Town
Credit: Ontario Highlands Tourism Association - Great food, coffee and live music 30 minutes outside of Ottawa can cap a great day of skiing or paddling on the Madawaska River.
Credit: Ontario Highlands Tourism Association - Grab some Mexican food along the beautiful canals that criss-cross in and out of Perth, Ontario.
Wheelers Maple Sugar Farm and Pancake House
Credit: Ontario Highlands Tourism Association - Come for the maple syrup and stay for pancakes, maple syrup museum and Ontario's largest collection of chainsaws.
Hummingbird Coffee
Credit: Ontario Highlands Tourism Association - Hummingbird Chocolate, located in Almonte, Ontario has won numerous international awards for their product. Just step inside and take a deep breath if you don't believe me.
Equator Coffee
Credit: Ontario Highlands Tourism Association - Fair trade and delicious make for a great stop at the Equator Coffee Roastery in Almonte, Ontario.